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EU video debate: “Internet access: a new human right”

[1]Video debate with David Sassoli, EP President: “Internet access: a new human right [2]

European Parliament, October 28, 2020 Parlamento europeo, 28 ottobre 2020

David Sassoli, EP President, invites Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and Romano Prodi [3], former Commission President with interventions from Sir Tim Berners-Lee, computer scientist and Simona Levi, founder of Xnet, in a debate entitled “Internet access, a new human right” in the framework of the new series of dialogues called “Ideas for a new world”, in the European Parliament in Brussels.

28 Ott 2020: Intervento al Video debate with David SASSOLI, EP President: “Internet access: a new human right” [4] from Romano Prodi [5] on Vimeo [6].

You can follow here the full EU debate [2] (1h,08′)