- Fondazione per la Collaborazione tra i Popoli - https://www.fondazionepopoli.org?lang=en -

Prodi meets with Sudan President H.E. Bashir in Khartoum.

Khartoum 3/9

Romano Prodi , President of the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation, has had a lengthy meeting with President H.E. Bashir in Khartoum.

“I have been exposed to the description of wide improvements of the situation in Sudan in terms of Democracy and Peace. The conversationĀ  with President Bashir has been thorough and open on such issues as the preparation of the political elections, the Referendum for Southern Self Determination, the peace keeping and the humanitarian assistance in Darfur.
I have recommended that further improvements be made in freedom of press, elections transparency, and safety of NGO activities in Darfur” Romano Prodi said before taking off, on a a UN plane, to Juba (South Sudan) where he will meet South Sudan President and GONU (Government of National Unity) Vice President , Salvo Kiir.