The high-level forum on Women in Science in Africa is taking place on the 20th and 21st of May 2020 in Addis Abeba at the African Union Headquarters.
It is organized by the African Union together with its partners, UN WOMEN, the African Academy of Sciences, The European Commission, the Foundation for The World Wide Cooperation, The Organisation for Women in Science in the Developing World.
Concept Note
Committed action is required to promote, expand and intensify the role of women in science towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and the African Union Agenda 2063. Recognising that achieving women’s equality and empowerment, SDG 5 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but also integral to all dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development that requires urgent action to eliminate the many root causes of exclusion, dis-empowerment and discrimination that still curtail women in the arena of science.
To this end an ambitious forum of high-level representatives of organisations currently advocating and implementing initiatives to advance Women in Science in Africa and indeed Globally, will take place at the African Union Head Quarter in Addis Abeba in Ethiopia on May 20/21 2020.
The aim of this forum is to discuss the current challenges women in science encounter and develop high level resolution on the importance of recognizing the role of women in science towards achieving global sustainable development. Thereafter, the Nairobi Women in Science Resolution will be widely disseminated to Heads of States, senior decision-makers, thought-leaders and scientists globally at assemblies, summits and meetings convened by partner organisations including the UN General Assembly, African Union Commission and European Commission Summit of Heads of State, UNESCO General Assembly, AAS General Assembly and OWSD Annual General Meeting.
The resolution will make specific recommendations and commitments toward inclusion and development of women in science in Africa.
This joint resolution follows on the call made in the Beijing declaration and Platform for Action adopted by member states in 1995 for governments to integrate gender concerns and perspectives into policies and programmes for sustainable Development. It will be grounded in “The Future we want” resolution adopted by UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 which included recognition of the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment across the three pillars of sustainable development, economic, environmental and social. Given that the meeting is being held on the African continent, it will highlight the aspirations of “The Africa we want” that by 2063 African countries will attain development through strategies of inclusive growth, investments in science, technology, research and innovation; and gender equality.
Signed By Sarah Agbor, AU Commissioner for Research and Human Resources
and Romano Prodi, President of the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation
Integration By Eni ( Exclusive Corporate Sponsor)
Promoting talents in STEM in Africa is one of Eni’s biggest engagements. And promoting STEM with girls and women is a general goal of the company’s effort. This is why the specific task of growing awareness, skills, projects and opportunities for girls and women in Africa in STEM is of particular importance. There are of course challenges, but as a company we believe there is a great unexploited potential which can give great achievements.
The engagement of our company is witnessed by the many initiatives throughout the Continent to promote promising young talents, including the prestigious Eni Award for Africa, a prize devoted to the best research projects in Energy and the Environment presented by young Africans, which allows the winners to participate in a teamwork research project in one of Italy’s most renowned universities. Young female researchers from Nigeria and Congo have been awarded the prize in the last two years, as an indication of the competitiveness of young women in STEM.
More generally, this important event will certainly bring more ideas, promote initiatives, and allow many different people and experiences to come together and make a step forward in the direction of innovation, development, gender equality and sustainability.
Francesca Ferrazza
Program of Activities
(3 sessions 6 speakers each, and discussion open to all participants)
May 20
7.30 pm Opening remarks and gala dinner at Sheraton (24 speakers + VIPs)
May 21
9.30 am Forum First session:
Chair: UN Women ( Phumzile Mlabo Ngcuka. ED UNW)
11.15 am Forum second session:
Chair: AAS and OWSD (Isayvany Naiker Director AAS, Tonya Blowers Sec . Gen OWSD)
2.30 pm Third session:
African Union (Sarah Agbor. AU Commissioner)
4.00 pm Conclusions:
Concluding remarks from Foundation, EEC, UNW, EEC, AAS, AU
Download Invitation message, Concept note, Program of activities